26 jul 2011


que me envuelve,
me lleva a los lugares mas oscuros de mi alma.
Lugares que nunca quise ver,
que nunca pensé que existieran en mi.

Sin embargo, aqui estoy,
mirando mis miserias,
viviendolas como nunca,
viendo lo que odio ser.

Luchando por volver a vivir,
pero no se si voy ganando...
o perdiendo.
Cada día descubro más,
y a la vez me pierdo más.

Eso es lo que tengo...
En este momento...

Losing me...(Crazy)

I dream of her...
feelings of hate
start to grow.
Right or wrong is what I feel.
Don't talk
Don't look at her
into oblivious
she must go
she will go

Hidding within
feeling it within
until it explotes
all the shit, I'm saving it
don't bother on wasting on you

Not caring
fuck you
butching you in my head

killing you
in my heart
in my head

all I've got,
fuck you
fuck me
for putting myself in this.

All the shit you fake
All the shit I took
will come to haunt you

I shall receive my punishment
but you will fall
and I'll see it
with pleasure.

Losing myself
in this road
losing myself
in what
I shouldn't have been.


All I have are feelings
feelings of hate
of pain
of sorrow
of regret

All I have is pain,
pain in my soul
once again.
Like always that I let my heart talks

what to hell is wrong?
I'll let my heart talks
but please,
save me from my pain
don't crush me
once again.

I'm too tired of this
I'm too tired of giving
but never receiving

Maybe that is the cross
I must bear
I must carry this through this life

Giving you all I have
just to take it away
and save it inside
where it can destroy me
from within

I should be left alone
Never was the one for me
Never were the one for you
But tell me
why do I feel this pain?

I should never opened my mouth
and let you know
what I felt inside.

I´m judge

I´m judge and jury and executioner of my life, of every aspect of my life. Always criticizing myself, judging myself...why?? why is that??? Why am I so hard to myself...
Don´t know why.........
Don´t even know if I am asking the right question....