Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta black metal. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta black metal. Mostrar todas las entradas

3 oct 2014

All the same...

I've reached the end of the line,
writting things that come outside
this world will never know what's inside.
Looking at dead eyes make them live,
these eyes says no more.

The good, the bad...
all the same.
Your eyes can shine no more,
join the ignorance,
join the walking dead.

Punishment for what you are
is all you should receive.
You can't dare to be different
in your God's creation.

The clock is ticking,
the grains of sand are falling,
the minutes are dying...
yourself is terminated

15 jul 2014

Mayhem - Metal super extremo - no apto para el mainstream...aviso

Descubrí esta banda en un programa de radio local, a mi me gustó bastante. Algo muy oscuro, black metal noruego del bueno y del más denso. Este fue el tema que escuché "Watcher" los dejo. No apto para mentes cerradas....disfrutalo...


Nexus, astral, arohon, portal
Come to my spinal serpent
Fatal doom in DNA-design
Result of the ancient covenant
Outer races made upon mankind

The genesis of human race
Endless cosmic experiment
To enslave the supreme self
Hybrid of alien genes

Nexus, astral, archon, portal

Illusion of flesh and blood
Embedded in the core of mind
Cold-blooded instincts
Demon seed inside

Nexus, astral, archon, portal

Eternal mental distress
Ruthless tyrant of self
Hopeless race of victims

Wolf among sheep
Territorial, deceitful
Aggression and dominance
Locked in time

Reflection of your inner self
Impossible to defeat
Schizophrenic paranoid
Atavistic enemy

Nexus, astral, archon, portal

I am that voice in your mind
I came from the end of time
To antagonize humankind
Determining the most sublime

Les dejo otro tema (el sitio oficial de la banda es, por si quieren visitarlo), tiene las letras en el video...