Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta oblivion. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta oblivion. Mostrar todas las entradas

24 jul 2012


Esta es la razón
que te derrota.
Este es el corazón
que se desangra.

Este es el fin del camino,
que te ha llegado.
Has arribado a tu palacio,
el de tu destino.

Te mueres por vivir
y no sabes cómo hacer.
Tratas de sentir
y no quieres ni nacer.

14 jun 2012

Gone (Death Star)

Master in my mind,
Master in my head
Forgotten idols
Take over me.

Did you ever know how it feels to shine?
Did you ever know the glory of the dark star?

I shined in the distant past,
Like a dark star.
I was a master,
A dark star,
Black matter surrounding your life,
Like a giant black hole
That you wouldn´t ignore

Master in my mind,
Master in my head,
King of my life,
Where did he go?
Why did he abandon me?
Where are you?
I keep on searching
I keep on looking for him

Where did you hide?
I am a shadow,
A ghost passing through this existence.

I am a walking dead
How can I revive?
How can I live again?
How can I shine again if now
I´m a shut off star
If now I´m only the dust of what I´ve have been.