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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta cancion. Mostrar todas las entradas

2 jul 2013

Estalla mi pacífica furia...

Montado en el trueno,
destella mi ira,
llueve la furia
sobre tu cabeza.

Inyectado de sangre,
mis ojos te observan,
dientes rechinan,
quijada señala el camino.

Nudillos blancos,
puños cerrados,
se alzan frente a tu cara.
Fuerza sin dirección.

Venas estallan,
sangre fluyendo a la luz,
corazón bombea
liquido vital a mi sien.


1 jul 2013

Loner (Black Sabbath)

Así me siento todo el tiempo.....


He's just a loner
He never says hello
A friend to no-one
He's got no place to go
He don't look happy
He looks through fertile eyes
He ain't got nothing
No-one to sympathise, alright now!

He hides himself away
His secrets not revealed
As life just passes by
He keeps himself concealed
A solitary man, an enigmatic child
A riddle never solved
A prisoner exiled, alright now!

I wonder if the loner cannot simulate
A lifeless lived alone plays devil's advocate, come on now!

Has he ever tried to be happy?
Reach out from inside
Someone on who he can depend
It's getting too late to recover
He won't stand a chance
And into his own hell he'll descend
Don't descend! (x4)

No understanding of things he already knows
He has to live his life and just let out and go, alright yeah!

Communication's an impossibility
He's his own best friend, but he's his own worst enemy
The secrets of his past life deep inside his head
I wonder if he'll be happy when he's dead, come on yeah!

25 jun 2013

Escuchando Hugh Laurie : Didn't It Rain...

Estoy escuchando por primera vez el nuevo disco de Hugh Laurie (conocido mundialmente por su papel en Dr. House). Me ha sorprendido, tiene temas excelentes que te hacen golpear el pie contra el piso al ritmo del blues.
Altamente recomendado, canta el algunos temas, bastante bien, y toca el piano en todos, esto lo hace aún mejor.
Perlita: hay una versión de un tango "El Choclo", lo llamaron Kiss Of Fire, la primera estrofa es cantada en español perfecto, escúchenla y disfrutenla.

Recomiendo el disco, me transporta a esas escenas de clubes de blues y jazz que uno ve en las películas estadounidenses.

24 jun 2013

Letras, palabras, tiempo

Leyendo en soledad,
letras que bailan en el telón,
letras ensombrecidas por la luz,
la lampara intenta desnudar su verdad.

Las letras escapan a las palabras,
ellas no pueden significar,
los pensamientos las privan de su fin.
Letras bailando y nada más.

Ojos recorren las siluetas,
ojos que cruzan la tinta hacia el más allá.
Profundidad difusa es todo lo que espera,
no hay otra cosa que soledad.

Pensamientos creando nuevas ideas,
las palabras del libro no tienen sentido,
ellas me llevan al olvido,
ellas no me recordarán.

Observo el vaivén de las hojas,
las hojas pasan ante mi,
no significan nada más que tiempo.
Tiempo que no puedo medir.

Tiempo que nunca recuperaré,
letras y palabras que nunca serán mas que eso,
letras y palabras en un fondo amarillento
y nada más.

6 jun 2013

Let Me Be Myself....

¡Cuántas veces he pensado esto! ¡Cuántas veces he pedido esto!

Dejame ser yo.....

Dejenme ser yo....

"Let Me Be Myself" (3 Doors Down)


I guess I just got lost being someone else 
I tried to kill the pain, nothing ever helped 
I left myself behind somewhere along the way 
Hoping to come back around to find myself someday 

Lately I'm so tired of waiting for you 
To say that it's okay 

But tell me please, would you one time just let me be myself ? 
So I can shine with my own light, let me be myself 
Would you let me be myself ? 

I'll never find my heart behind someone else 
I'll never see the light of day living in this cell 
It's time to make my way into the world I knew 
And then take back all of these times that Igave into you 

But lately I'm so tired of waiting for you 
To say that it'a okay 

Tell me please, would you one time let me be myself ? 
So I can shine with my own light, let me be myself 
For a while, if you don't mind, let me be myself 
Son I can shine with my own light, let me be myself ! 

That's all I've ever wanted from this world 
Is to let me be me 

Please would you one time let me be myself ? 
So I can shine with my own light, let me be myself 
Please would you one time, let me be myself 
So I can shine with own light, let me be myself 

For a while, if you don't mind, let me be myself 
So I can shine with my own light, let me be myself ! 
Would you one time, ooh, let me be myself and let me be me ?

28 may 2013

Esta canción me llegó al corazón...

Tropenzando con canciones de 3 Doors Down....escuché esta, me llegó, me hizo pensar...y hasta me sacó una sonrisa de empatía....

Disfrútenla, piénsenla cuando se sientan deprimidos y que el mundo no vale la pena, cuando no sepas quién sos y adónde vas....

3 Doors Down - It's the only one you've got


How do you know where you're going
When you don't know where you've been?
You hide the shame that you're not showing and you won't let anyone in
A crowded street can be a quiet place when you're walking alone

And now you think that you're the only one
Who doesn't have to try and you won't have to fail
If you're afraid to fight then I guess you never will

You hide behind your walls of maybe nevers
Forgetting that there's something more than just knowing better
Your mistakes do not define you now, they tell you who you're not
You've got to live this life you're given like it's the only you've got

Memories have left you broken and the scars have never healed
The emptiness in you is growing with so little left to feel
You're scared to look back on the days before
You're too tired to move on

And now you think that you're the only one
Who doesn't have to try and you won't have to fail
If you're afraid to fly then I guess you never will

You hide behind your walls of maybe nevers
Forgetting that there's something more than just knowing better
Your mistakes do not define you now, they tell you who you're not
You've got to live this life you're given like it's the only you've got

Oh, what will it take, oh to get you to say that I'll try?
And what would you say if this was the last day of your life?

You hide behind your walls of maybe nevers
Forgetting that there's something more than just knowing better
Your mistakes do not define you now, they tell you who you're not
You've got to live this life you're given like it's the only you've got

You hide behind your walls of maybe nevers
Forgetting that there's something more than just knowing better
Your mistakes do not define you now, they tell you who you're not
You've got to live this life you're given like it's the only you've got

21 may 2013

Stone Temple Pilots - nuevo tema 2013 y nuevo cantante

Estaba escuchando la radio ayer a la tarde y me sorprendí con la noticia, Stone Temple Pilots y su nuevo vocalista, Chester de Linkin´Park, mi primera reacción fue de duda. Pero...pusieron el tema...desde el primer riff y la primera estrofa me atrapó. Las inflexiones vocales de Chester son impresionantes. Véanlo y escúchenlo por ustedes mismos. Para mi, temazo!

Enojo y cobardía...

Hoy derrocho enojo,
Hoy destilo veneno,
mi ira no conoce límites,
no te cruces en mi camino.

Al borde de la locura,
desafiando la fina línea entre el bien y el mal.
Rebalsa de mi corazón esta sensación.
Siento estallar dentro de mí
y realizo una implosión a la vez.

No me dejo ver,
no confronto lo que me encoleriza.
En el fondo soy un cobarde,
cuya única ira es conmigo mismo.

17 may 2013


Enfrentar la pantalla en blanco
sin saber que volcar en ella
El corazón se halla reticente a abrirse,
y la mente, holgazana en recuerdos perdidos.

Veo las letras fluir sin significado,
no observo un patrón de pensamiento.
Solo escribo sin la intención,
sin la pasión que tenía.
¿Dónde estás?
¿Por qué huyes de mí?

Mi musa ha desaparecido,
y nunca la conocí,
nunca la reconocí.
Acaso, ¿eso es posible?

29 abr 2013

God Is Dead? - Primer corte del disco de Black Sabbath

El 11/06/2013 sale nuevo disco de Black Sabbath.
Los amantes del buen heavy metal escuchen el primer tema que se conoció, realmente una joya de la música.
Realmente me voló la cabeza! Increíble que después de tantos años esta banda se reúna y haga semejante canción, ya me ilusiono con lo que será el disco. (abajo les dejo la letra, oscura, a lo Sabbath, genial!)

God Is Dead?

Lost in the darkness
I fade from the light
Faith of my father, my brother, my maker and savior
Help me make it through the night
Blood on my conscious
And murder in mind
Out of the gloom I rise up from my tomb into impending doom
Now my body is my shrine

The blood runs free
The rain turns red
Give me the wine
You keep the bread
The voices echo in my head
Is God alive or is God dead?
Is God dead?

Rivers of evil
Run through dying land
Swimming in sorrow, they kill, steal, and borrow. There is no tomorrow
For the sinners will be damned
Ashes to ashes
You cannot exhume us all
Who do you trust when corruption and lust, creed of all the unjust,
Leaves you empty and uncalled?

When will this nightmare be over? Tell me!
When can I empty my head?
Will somebody tell me the answer?
Is God really dead?
Is God really dead?

To safeguard my philosophy
Until my dying breath
I transfer from reality
Into a mental death
I empathize with enemy
Until the time is right
With God and Satan at my side
From darkness will come light

I watch the rain
And it turns red
Give me more wine
I don’t need bread
These little nightmares in my head
I don’t believe that God is dead
God is dead

Nowhere to run
Nowhere to hide
Wondering if we will meet again
On the other side
Do you believe a word
what the Good Book said?
Or is it just a holy fairy tale
And God is dead?
God is Dead x4


But still the voices in my head
Are telling me that god is dead
The blood pours down
The rain turns red
I don’t believe that God is dead
God is Dead x4

16 abr 2013

Enanitos Verdes....una época...

Enanitos Verdes....el disco de los grandes éxitos. Qué recuerdos! Qué banda!

Me hace revivir mi adolescencia mientras manejaba mi auto iba escuchando este casette (si, si casette)....
Son temas eternos y que siempre te llegan al corazón, tal vez los de mi generación me entiendan al revivir estas los dejo...mi recomendación? Disfrútenlo en silencio, solos, tranquilos, dejando la mente recordar esas cosas que nos traen estas melodias, los primeros amores, los primeros besos, las primeras tristezas del amor.....

12 ago 2012


Él no ha salido,
algo pasó dentro,
se ha escondido,
ha desaparecido.

Librado al azar,
vaga por el abismo,
sin rumbo,
sin destino.

Oscuro todo alrededor,
cree ver una luz,
pero se adentra aún más.
Su imaginación,
ha tomado el control.

Dolor en su ser,
nada puede hacer
ante la oscuridad
de su alma.

No conoce otra cosa,
más que su cárcel.
No quiere otra cosa
más que su prisión.

No sabe salir,
no quiere saberlo.
Vive su contradicción,

Su prisión es su vida...
Cómo renunciar a ella
cuando es lo único que conoce?

Estos versos se pierden en la ignorancia,
entre el olvido y la grandeza han de morir,
porque no los conocerás.

14 jul 2012


Staring at you
makes you unconfortable
watching at you
makes you confused...
with my dark eyes.

Losing yourself
in my deepest soul,
looking through my eyes...
green doom.

Staring at you,
let you look inside,
see through my eyes,
check what's inside...
lost within.

Look into my eyes,
feel my inside,
drown in me...
madness within.

Stare at me,
don't look away,
stand it...
are you scared?

I've opened the doors,
look at me,
don't you dare to look away,
stand what's inside...
is what you've asked for...

1 jul 2012

Cursed (End of it all)

This is the city
where you are trying to live
this anonimous entity
that have nothing yo give

This is your life
nothing else you'll know
this is your ship
that sail this land of sorrow

This is the place
she confined you into her walls
no one can escape
from her darkest nails

This is your coffin
in which you will be buried
no chance for heaven
everyone is cursed.

This is our curse
for what we have done
no salvation for us
we deserve to be destroyed

We are here for all
We are cursed for that
We forgot our mission
is all we've got left

This is our death
no turning back from hell
we gain our doom
now you'll have to enjoy it.

This is our hour
god has no more grains of sand
we've broken the clock
and now,
we're drowning in our mud.

26 jun 2012

El Tiempo Ya Pasó

Me gustó mucho esta canción de Carajo, me identifiqué mucho con la letra, salvando algunas distancias, expresa lo que estoy sintiendo en estos dias...

"El tiempo ya paso ¡como vez!

lo que solía ser ya no lo es.
el barrio cambio y vos también,
el bardo se mudo ¡y la yuta se fue!

Días de gloria en la memoria,
toda esa euforia ¡dejo un grafitti en la pared!
fue la calle quien te enseño,
es la marca que por la espalda nos dejo

El tiempo ya paso, lo sabes,
la sombra del ayer nunca se fue,
el primer recital, nuestra primera vez,
ese primer tattoo grabado en nuestra piel.

Días de gloria en la memoria,
toda esa euforia dejo un grafitti en la pared!
fue la calle quien te enseño,
es la marca que por la espalda nos dejo,
nos dejo, por la espalda nos dejo.

Vieja historia sin final,
la posta espera al que vendrá,
salvaje juventud rompiendo el cascaron,
skate, tacha, borcego y rock & roll."

Les dejo el video:

17 may 2012

Snuff (canción de Slipknot)

Canción que me marcó hace un año aprox. realmente de esas canciones que te golpean directamente al corazón cuando las escuchas y te dan escalofríos. Me sentí muy identificado con ella en esa época, y cada vez que la escucho no puedo evitar sentir ese nudo que sube desde mi estómago a mi garganta y que me hace cantarla mientras la escucho con una fuerza, ira, bronca y rabia inexplicable.

Al final dejo el link para escucharla!

Bury all your secrets in my skin
Come away with innocence and leave me with my sins
The air around me still feels like a cage
And love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage again

So if you love me let me go
And run away before I know
My heart is just too dark to care
I can?t destroy what isn?t there

Deliver me into my fate
If I?m alone I cannot hate
I don?t deserve to have you
Ooh, my smile was taken long ago
If I can change I hope I never know

I still press your letters to my lips
And cherish them in parts of me that savor every kiss
I couldn?t face a life without your lights
But all of that was ripped apart when you refused to fight

So save your breath, I will not care
I think I made it very clear
You couldn?t hate enough to love
Is that supposed to be enough?

I only wish you weren?t my friend
Then I could hurt you in the end
I never claimed to be a saint
Ooh, my own was banished long ago
It took the death of hope to let you go

So break yourself against my stones
And spit your pity in my soul
You never needed any help
You sold me out to save yourself

And I won?t listen to your shame
You ran away, you?re all the same
Angels lie to keep control
Ooh, my love was punished long ago
If you still care don?t ever let me know
If you still care don?t ever let me know