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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta down. Mostrar todas las entradas

14 jul 2012


Staring at you
makes you unconfortable
watching at you
makes you confused...
with my dark eyes.

Losing yourself
in my deepest soul,
looking through my eyes...
green doom.

Staring at you,
let you look inside,
see through my eyes,
check what's inside...
lost within.

Look into my eyes,
feel my inside,
drown in me...
madness within.

Stare at me,
don't look away,
stand it...
are you scared?

I've opened the doors,
look at me,
don't you dare to look away,
stand what's inside...
is what you've asked for...

29 ago 2011

Feel Me

Sometimes, you wish everything was over.
Sometimes, you wish to dissapear, no more, no less.
Feeling down and the sorrow is all around you, like the air you´re breathing.

How come we get to this?
When we took the detour to this forgotten road in life?
When we forgot how to to be to smile?
Where is that little boy with his eyes fill with joy?
Where did I hide him?
Why doesn´t he dare to come out again?

I hate to feel this way.
But I´ve forgotten how to be different.
When I was younger, all I wanna was to be different, special...
But life has teach me that I´m just like everybody else, ordinary, common, unappreciated.
All I see is dispair, disgrace, injustice for all, for me.
All I see is how people tread on your dreams, your ideas, your work, everything you have fought to.

Can I find a way out?
Can I?
Is there any?

Looking at this monitor, writing these words from within....
is all I have right now.
And the worst part is that... I don´t even care.....