Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta fear. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta fear. Mostrar todas las entradas

14 jul 2012


Staring at you
makes you unconfortable
watching at you
makes you confused...
with my dark eyes.

Losing yourself
in my deepest soul,
looking through my eyes...
green doom.

Staring at you,
let you look inside,
see through my eyes,
check what's inside...
lost within.

Look into my eyes,
feel my inside,
drown in me...
madness within.

Stare at me,
don't look away,
stand it...
are you scared?

I've opened the doors,
look at me,
don't you dare to look away,
stand what's inside...
is what you've asked for...

24 ago 2011

Sick & Tired

Sick and tired
Forgotten by the world
I don´t even know how it´s to live
Sucking this life out from the air
Tired of pushing forward the wheel
I´m in this dark place..
Seeing the darkness
Smelling the fear
Hearing the dead silence of my head
Is anybody there?
Silence of death is all around
Trying to get my head up off the sorrow sea
But it´s too late
I´m drawning in pain, sorrow and regret…
I hit the lights in these dark sets
But the dark is all over me again….
Dark night
Dark heart
Dead head.