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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta head. Mostrar todas las entradas

13 jul 2012

Mi arte (II)

Subo unos dibujos más que hice....perdón por la calidad de la imagen, pero las saqué con el celular en el trabajo.....
espero a alguien le guste, y si verdad no me importa, es mi forma de expresión...y eso es la definición de arte.

"Find a reason to exist
fill with fear
terror in my mind.

Cannot escape from it
how can I?
if it's all I can think of
Like a cancer
that spread away.

Dying within my own worries
How can I run away from it?

Look at my mind
and there it is.

Hunger for a cry,
Hunger for suffering,
I cannot escape,
my master,
my mind,
my death alive,
I'm crucified"

24 ago 2011

Sick & Tired

Sick and tired
Forgotten by the world
I don´t even know how it´s to live
Sucking this life out from the air
Tired of pushing forward the wheel
I´m in this dark place..
Seeing the darkness
Smelling the fear
Hearing the dead silence of my head
Is anybody there?
Silence of death is all around
Trying to get my head up off the sorrow sea
But it´s too late
I´m drawning in pain, sorrow and regret…
I hit the lights in these dark sets
But the dark is all over me again….
Dark night
Dark heart
Dead head.