28 jul 2015

You have left....(Unloved)

I m writting this
because I know you don't read me anymore.
So far away you have gone,
and yet you haven't departed yet.

So away is your heart,
the winter has come in mine.
I don't know what has happened.
The bravest flame disappears quickest.

The love is fading in you,
you are leaving me behind,
I ' m standing here alone,
I ' m bleeding here alone.

The woman I've once met,
it is only a memory in my head,
only a remembrance of the past
we had.

I want to remember you like you were,
I want to save in my heart your old messages,
the smiles you used to give to me,
the looks I'm longing for.

Everything have an end,
I didn't want to believe that,
but it is happening,
I have to shield myself,
I have no choice.

I'm so tired of fighting for you.
I'm so tired of waiting a response from you.
We are drifting apart
and yet you haven't left this place.

I miss you,
I am missing you even if you are still here.
Deep inside you still are the woman that makes me fall inlove,
Deep inside I know you are still there,
But I cannot see her anymore.

Fuente de la imagen: http://dreaming-moon.deviantart.com/art/Unloved-72787889

23 jul 2015

Don't hide your love

You are leaving...
but I sense that you have already left
Cold in your words,
different from another time.

Maybe you are protecting your heart,
maybe your love is fading,
How can I know that?
I'm still the same.

Missing you,
Thinking of you,
like the first day,
like the last day.

I miss your sweetness
Your feelings in your words.
I know this will end soon,
but I wish you could be a few more days
like you were...

When you are with me,
I still see a glimpse of the love you had,
Your eyes still talk to me
like they used to.

I will be the same,
I cannot hide my feelings,
knowing how it's going to be,
accepting that you will move on.

But please,
don't ignore me if you still love,
be the one I fell inlove with,
just for the time we have.

Let me be happy with you
for the days we still have ahead.
And feel me and accept me
until the day you will left this land.

Let me see your love
one more time,
please don't hide it from me...
if you still feel the same as day one....

I love you,
I care about you,
I will always be here for you,
even if this love has a finish line.

Fuente de la imagen: http://emilyhitchcock.deviantart.com/art/Eyes-Of-A-Wolf-173849809

13 jul 2015


Soon you'll be gone
Away from my days
Away from the moments we had
The distance will take you away

Soon all this will live
Only in my mind
And in my heart
My love will become in sorrow

Soon we will have our last kiss
Our last caress
And I will be thinking
If you will ever return to me.

You always tell me that I shouldn't think
That I should live the present
How can I explain that to my heart?
When he knows that he may lose u...

Soon I'll be missing you
In ways I 'm not able to say
Hoping that your love for me
Is strong enough to make you come back.

Soon I'll be waiting for you
To say that you love me
And will come back to my heart
Maybe I 'm dreaming
But sometimes dreams can come true.

Soon you will be on that plane
Flying so far away from my heart
And I will stay here,
Watching to the sky
Praying for you to return

You are the best thing in my life
You make me happy when I thought I couldn't be.
And now fate is taking you away from me,
Seems so unfair.

I'll stay here
That you come back to me 

Wishing that your love for me
Stays in your heart.
Wishing that you don't forget me.
I know I will never do
You are forever in my heart 

I love you
I 'll wait for you always

8 jul 2015

To no one....

Thinking of you,
Wishing you are too.
My love, my life...
I'm not a perfect man,
I wish I was
But you should know
That I love you
My heart is here ,
My love knows no end.
That is the one thing driving me to be better
A better man for you.
All my defects,
I wish I can erase them.
Nobody will love you like I do,
Now my heart is in your hands.
Maybe I'm not all you wish I should be,
Maybe sometimes I say the wrong words, maybe sometimes I make your smile go away.
You must know
I'm not used to feel like this.
Love took me by surprised.
Love is what I've found inside
Thanks to you.
I'll become a better man
I'll become the man you deserve
Just give me the chance to love you
And you will see.
I love you, my sweetheart.
I miss you every second you are away.
Just waiting for you to meet me again.
So I can give you a kiss and a caress.
Waiting to see your smile again...
So I can live again....

1 jul 2015

Abandono el blog por un tiempo

Voy a dejar de escribir un tiempo en mi blog. No me está ayudando en este momento de mi vida. Sólo estoy volcando pesimismo, angustia, dolor. No me estoy permitiendo sentir feliz y siempre escribo sobre lo malo aquí.

He llegado a un punto tan extraño de mi vida, un amor a la distancia, rogando porque no me olvide, porque no me deje de amar, tratando de controlar lo incontrolable.

Y escribir sobreno eso no me está ayudando. Se que todo está en manos y corazón de ella, yo no puedo brindar más de lo que estoy brindando, tal vez sea suficiente, tal vez no, pero no quiero sufrir más.

Sólo conozco el sufrimiento, no puedo, no me permito ser feliz, y pensar que alguien, tal vez, me esté extrañando tanto como yo, que ese alguien, tal vez, sienta tanto amor como yo.

El olvido me parece tan aterrador, que sólo quiero dedicarle esta última entrada en mi blog, por eso mi decisión de no escribir más aquí. No quiero revivirlo cada vez que entre aquí.

El tiempo solo podrá mostrarme lo que va a pasar, no puedo predecir el futuro, ni cambiar el presente. Soy incapaz de modificar las cosas. La vida parece llena de obstáculos y sufrimiento. No se si existe otra forma de verlo, pero al no escribir sobre eso tal vez, pueda eliminar esta negatividad, este pesimismo en mi cabeza.

No soy capaz de creer que alguien pueda amarme, pueda extrañarme. Es un riesgo demasiado grande para mi forma de ser pensar positivamente, pero puede haber llegado la hora de ese gran cambio...

Quizás me rompan el corazón...pero también está la posibilidad de que no suceda...y siempre me he aferrado al pesimismo y me ha ido mal. Quiero aferrarme al optimismo y, rogar, que me vaya bien.

Dejo estos pensamientos aquí como testimonio de mi intención. Si vuelvo aquí....ya saben lo qué pasó.

Pidan por mi ante quien Uds. crean, les pido ese favor....para que por una vez....mi corazón no sea roto....que este gran sueño de futuro con alguien pueda ser una realidad....lo necesito...necesito creer que puede ser así....que va a ser así.

