28 jul 2015

You have left....(Unloved)

I m writting this
because I know you don't read me anymore.
So far away you have gone,
and yet you haven't departed yet.

So away is your heart,
the winter has come in mine.
I don't know what has happened.
The bravest flame disappears quickest.

The love is fading in you,
you are leaving me behind,
I ' m standing here alone,
I ' m bleeding here alone.

The woman I've once met,
it is only a memory in my head,
only a remembrance of the past
we had.

I want to remember you like you were,
I want to save in my heart your old messages,
the smiles you used to give to me,
the looks I'm longing for.

Everything have an end,
I didn't want to believe that,
but it is happening,
I have to shield myself,
I have no choice.

I'm so tired of fighting for you.
I'm so tired of waiting a response from you.
We are drifting apart
and yet you haven't left this place.

I miss you,
I am missing you even if you are still here.
Deep inside you still are the woman that makes me fall inlove,
Deep inside I know you are still there,
But I cannot see her anymore.

Fuente de la imagen: http://dreaming-moon.deviantart.com/art/Unloved-72787889

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