6 ago 2015

The End

Hoy si decidí que te saco de mi vida. Hasta aquí llegué.

Decepción, odio, confusión, sentimientos que se mezclan y se confunden en mi corazón pero, esta vez, mi mente sabe mejor que hacer. Adiós a aquel que entendía, comprendía, aguantaba, ya no existe ese hombre.

Fuiste una gran manipuladora, me lograste engañar con tus miradas, caricias, besos. Lograste de mi todo lo que querías, haciéndome creer que yo hacía lo que quería. Me saco el sombrero ante una manipuladora mejor que yo....si, yo, porque yo también puedo ser un gran manipulador. Pero esta vez encontré un rival superior.
Lograste que viajara a despedirte para que me trataras como basura...Admiro el poder que habías logrado sobre mí, cómo te aprovechaste de mis sentimientos.

Hasta el último día, yo creí. Hiciste un tonto de mí y no alcanzaba a salir del aeropuerto y ya estabas planeando tu próxima víctima. Pobre de él, espero sea más precavido que yo. Tenés una gran ventaja, tu belleza.....agradecé que tenés eso....porque sin eso, te aseguro que pasarías desapercibida. Solo la belleza te mantiene donde estás. Reconozco tu inteligencia, pero no es una inteligencia atractiva.

Te he desterrado de mi vida, antes de hacerme más daño. No te deseo una buena vida o una mala vida. No soy quién para desear eso y no sería sincero. Te deseo la vida que merecés. Creo que es lo más correcto que puedo decir. Y, por experiencia te digo, lo que das, vuelve.

Espero que cuando te sientas miserable, porque te aseguro que te vas a sentir así y más temprano que tarde por como te comportás ante la vida y ante los demás, recuerdes que alguien te trató bien y se preocupó por vos, y eso será demasiado tarde, porque mi corazón por vos murió hace rato. Además, que seguramente yo ya te habré olvidado.

Este será el último escrito sobre esta mujer. No merece ni una palabra más de mi boca o de mis escritos. La experiencia fue enriquecedora, todavía es muy temprano para saber si fue mala o buena. Sólo el tiempo me ayudará a descifrarlo.

Bye bye, beautiful...........

Fuente de la imagen: http://idlemickey.deviantart.com/art/Hate-50985596

4 ago 2015


I know what I'm worth.
I know how much I have to offer
just to throw it away to anybody.

I need to love myself
more than I love you.
I have reach my limit,
I have to be strong.

I don't deserve to be treated like this,
I know that out there
is someone who will do
anything for me.

Someone that is not afraid to love me,
to let me love her.
Someone that deserves my tears,
my smiles,
my joy and my sadness.

that will be here in the good moments
and in the bad ones.
Someone who will understand me,
and stand by my side.

I am different to other men,
I know I'm all heart,
when I feel,
I feel with all my body,
all my mind,
all my love.

And I cannot aspire less than that.
Someone out there is like me in this,
and is waiting for me to find her,
and is worthy of thinking of her.

If you can't value what I have to offer,
then I have nothing to offer to you.
I need to feel loved to give love.
I'm not someone who can be feed with crumbs.
I'm not someone to be used and thrown away.

3 ago 2015


This is the story
of a love that had to end.
You are leaving here now,
but you never will leave my heart.

We had some beautiful moments,
so many stories to remember,
to save in our souls.
Love at first sight.

I will never forget your eyes
when they looked at mine,
the love of your hands
touching mine.

The perfum of your skin,
will always be in my heart,
the touch of your lips
of our kisses.

You are leaving now for good,
I wish things could be different,
I wish I was swedish,
And you wish you were argentinian.

The distance is something
we weren't able to deal with,
our love couldn't fight it.
I will love you always.

My heart is in that plane with you,
and a piece of yours will remain here with me.
I will miss you,
my heart is breaking in two.

Fate is the only thing we've got,
Fate is the only thing that will decide for us.
My love will remains intact
for the rest of my days.

I love you,
and I always will.
I will always be here
if God bring you back to me,
or take me to where you will be.

Goodbye, my sweetheart,
I wish things could change someday,
but I know that is only a dream...

Fuente de la imagen: http://gilad.deviantart.com/art/Fading-away-46381521

28 jul 2015

You have left....(Unloved)

I m writting this
because I know you don't read me anymore.
So far away you have gone,
and yet you haven't departed yet.

So away is your heart,
the winter has come in mine.
I don't know what has happened.
The bravest flame disappears quickest.

The love is fading in you,
you are leaving me behind,
I ' m standing here alone,
I ' m bleeding here alone.

The woman I've once met,
it is only a memory in my head,
only a remembrance of the past
we had.

I want to remember you like you were,
I want to save in my heart your old messages,
the smiles you used to give to me,
the looks I'm longing for.

Everything have an end,
I didn't want to believe that,
but it is happening,
I have to shield myself,
I have no choice.

I'm so tired of fighting for you.
I'm so tired of waiting a response from you.
We are drifting apart
and yet you haven't left this place.

I miss you,
I am missing you even if you are still here.
Deep inside you still are the woman that makes me fall inlove,
Deep inside I know you are still there,
But I cannot see her anymore.

Fuente de la imagen: http://dreaming-moon.deviantart.com/art/Unloved-72787889

23 jul 2015

Don't hide your love

You are leaving...
but I sense that you have already left
Cold in your words,
different from another time.

Maybe you are protecting your heart,
maybe your love is fading,
How can I know that?
I'm still the same.

Missing you,
Thinking of you,
like the first day,
like the last day.

I miss your sweetness
Your feelings in your words.
I know this will end soon,
but I wish you could be a few more days
like you were...

When you are with me,
I still see a glimpse of the love you had,
Your eyes still talk to me
like they used to.

I will be the same,
I cannot hide my feelings,
knowing how it's going to be,
accepting that you will move on.

But please,
don't ignore me if you still love,
be the one I fell inlove with,
just for the time we have.

Let me be happy with you
for the days we still have ahead.
And feel me and accept me
until the day you will left this land.

Let me see your love
one more time,
please don't hide it from me...
if you still feel the same as day one....

I love you,
I care about you,
I will always be here for you,
even if this love has a finish line.

Fuente de la imagen: http://emilyhitchcock.deviantart.com/art/Eyes-Of-A-Wolf-173849809

13 jul 2015


Soon you'll be gone
Away from my days
Away from the moments we had
The distance will take you away

Soon all this will live
Only in my mind
And in my heart
My love will become in sorrow

Soon we will have our last kiss
Our last caress
And I will be thinking
If you will ever return to me.

You always tell me that I shouldn't think
That I should live the present
How can I explain that to my heart?
When he knows that he may lose u...

Soon I'll be missing you
In ways I 'm not able to say
Hoping that your love for me
Is strong enough to make you come back.

Soon I'll be waiting for you
To say that you love me
And will come back to my heart
Maybe I 'm dreaming
But sometimes dreams can come true.

Soon you will be on that plane
Flying so far away from my heart
And I will stay here,
Watching to the sky
Praying for you to return

You are the best thing in my life
You make me happy when I thought I couldn't be.
And now fate is taking you away from me,
Seems so unfair.

I'll stay here
That you come back to me 

Wishing that your love for me
Stays in your heart.
Wishing that you don't forget me.
I know I will never do
You are forever in my heart 

I love you
I 'll wait for you always